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Grimoire: Manastorm - Earth Class Download] [hack]


About This Content Earth is a medium to close range damage dealer and disruptor. Through manipulation of the earth itself he can summon immovable rocks and then explode them sending shards of stone into nearby enemies. Summon super-heated rocks that cook for a few seconds and then explode or teleport into the air while surrounded by a massive lodestone and then ride it as it comes crashing down. His passive spell allows him to use mana to absorb incoming damage giving him a durability not seen in other classes. Overall Earth is a great class if you want to jump into the middle of a battle, cause confusion and chaos, and then still have enough toughness to make it out alive. Assaulting enemy ley-lines and strongholds is where he really shines and while it might be a challenging set of spells to master, the large amount of area-of-effect damaging spells mean that is it possible to jump in and immediately make an impact on the battle.Unique Passive Spell: Earthen Mantle – Damage resistance is increased base on the current amount of mana the wizard has available. 100 mana = 40% resistance, 66 mana = 25% resistance, 33 mana = 15% resistance.Starting Spells:Primary: Burst - Fling 5 small projectiles which each deal 6 - 8 damage and start in a cluster but then spread out over time.Secondary: Boulder - Throw a heavy physics projectile that has a short cooldown and does 30 - 32 AOE damage in a medium area.Utility: Erupt - Summon a barrier of rocks which does 20 - 25 damage to any enemies hit and lasts for 7s. The caster must have their feet on the ground to use this spell. Ultimate: Lodestone - Teleports player up into the air. Player becomes invulnerable after teleport, and can aim beneath themselves. After 3 seconds the player crashes back to the ground at their aimed location and deals 30 - 50 AoE damage. 1075eedd30 Title: Grimoire: Manastorm - Earth ClassGenre: Action, Free to Play, IndieDeveloper:OmniconnectionRelease Date: 18 Jul, 2017 Grimoire: Manastorm - Earth Class Download] [hack]

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